

Spaced repetition: questions are asked again only when you are about to forget (but have not forgotten!) the answer. This allows for better memorisation.

Spaced repetition: questions are asked again only when you are about to forget (but have not forgotten!) the answer. This allows for better memorisation.

Leximnesia is an application that helps you learn vocabulary and other things through a game of questions/answers. Each time you answer a question, Leximnesia gives you the right answer and tries to compute the optimal time at which it will ask you the same question again, depending on whether your answer was correct or not (this is called spaced repetition).

If you don’t want to type your answers, just think of them and click the buttons “I know” or “I’m not sure”: Leximnesia will do as if you had typed respectively a right or a wrong answer. But what if you had thought of the wrong answer and clicked “I know”? Then you can click on “Cancel” and cancel the last move. It is as simple as this.

Web version

Here is a sample of the new web version. It is not as complete as the desktop version but it quite easy to use. To start, please click on "Start quiz". The direct URL to the web version is js.leximnesia.org. Feel free to click anywhere!

Small FAQ

How to install Leximnesia?

Detailed instructions and downloads are to be found here.

What does Leximnesia require?

  • Any system supporting Python 2.5 and PyGtk 2
    • 3 to 60 Megabytes of free disk space (depending on whether Python and PyGtk are installed or not)
    • Windows, GNU/Linux or Mac OS X

What if I don’t like Leximnesia?

There are a few excellent applications based on spaced repetition. I didn’t test all of them, but you can try:
  • Anki (Windows, GNU/Linux, Mac OS)
  • Parley (GNU/Linux)
  • Mnemosyne (Windows, GNU/Linux)
  • SuperMemo (Windows only; the oldest one, probably with the best repetition algorithm)
  • FluentU, which I haven't tried yet (found it on the facebook page of the EP's DG Interpretation)

If you are a teacher, you may be interested in HotPotatoes, though it is not based on spaced repetition.

Design et site: Florian Mortgat
Moteur wiki dérivé de: Wikiss
Page modifiée le: 27 Dec 2017
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