
Last updated in: 2010



Florian Mortgatn 12 rue Saint Antoinen 26100 Romans-Sur-Isèren Francen (telephone number not displayed [against spam])n images/prenom.nom.small.pngimages/arrobe.small.pngimages/domaine.tld.small.pngn French driver’s license


june 2012 Degree in Translation (French, English, German) and International Relationsn ESTRI, Catholic University in Lyon
june 2011 LEA Licence: equivalent to Bachelor of Arts in applied languages, French, English, Germann University Lyon 2 Lumière
2007 Diplôme Universitaire de Technologie (DUT: 2-year degree) in communicationn IUT 2 Grenoble (University Pierre Mendès France, Grenoble II)

Language skills

French Mother language
German Operational proficiency (C1)nPrüfung Wirtschaftsdeutsch of the Goethe Institut in 2011n Zertifikat Deutsch of the Goethe Institut with honors in 2007
English Operational proficiency (C1)
Spanish Independent speaker (B1)
Korean Basic speaker (A1)

Computer skills

Programming Python (near-comprehensive skill)nPHP, C, C++
Office Ms Word, Excel, Power Point and Open Office equivalents
OS Linux (Admin level); Windows (User level)


summer 2008nsummer 2009 Harvested apricots
2007-2008 (8 months) French teacher’s assistant at a German middle school equvialent (Kreisrealschule Rheiderland)
2007 (2 months) Web designer at Archernset up an intranet with secure authentification, document repository and a blogging system
2006 (2 months) Prepared a readership survey at SAP (publishing) for Environnement & Techniquen Wrote an automated data-collecting software application in Python that allowed to get a 30 day task done in 7.nOne year later I used my program again because the company recontacted me for an update of the collected data.
summer 2006 Harvested grapes on a 3 ha. farm

Other activities

Music concert flute since 1994nsymphony orchestra (OSIU) since 2008
Software development Python, PHP (leximnesia.org)nvocabulary training software application
Volunteering Summer camp at Emmaüs in Vénissieux in 2007nWebsite setup assistance for an association: (plateformehumanitaire.asso.fr)

Design et site: Florian Mortgat
Moteur wiki dérivé de: Wikiss
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